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Rail Scales

Product Image Item Name- Price
Holtgreven LOADMASTER Railroad Track Scales

Holtgreven LOADMASTER Railroad Track Scales

The LOADMASTER family of Railroad Track Scales includes an extremely rugged and self-contained modular system. This system can be installed with...

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Massload Technologies In Line Rail Scale

Massload Technologies In Line Rail Scale

Features: Fully Electronic Weighing Sensors Install in any rail system Custom rail length up to 50 inches Wash proof Capacities: 500 lb. by .5 lb....

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Dynamic Scales, Inc.
1466 South 8th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47802

Fanatical Customer Service and Great Prices!
Call us today to find the scale you need!

Call Toll-Free (800) 526-0070
Tel: (812) 234-3111
Fax: (812) 234-4222

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XCaliber Systems

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Dynamic Scales, Inc.
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